There can be many reasons why companies change their name: In most cases, mergers, changes to the business purpose, legal reasons or the desire for a new image are the main triggers. A change of name often also signifies a new start. Boersengefluester.de offers an overview of all name changes from our coverage universe.
Share prices at record highs have always exerted a special magic on investors. While private investors often shy away from entering individual stocks at all-time highs, chart-oriented investors in particular are more relaxed and even tend to see record prices as an indication that there is no more resistance on the way up.
Current record prices | ||||||
Company | All-Time-High (ATH) |
Perf. seit IPO |
Sector | Index | ||
Price € | Date | Dist. in % |
Nemetschek | 120,90 | 07.02.2025 | +0,00 | +823,08 | Software | MDAX |
OTRS | 17,70 | 07.02.2025 | +0,00 | +215,32 | Software | - |
SAP | 274,45 | 07.02.2025 | -0,36 | +2.469,48 | Software | DAX |
GEA Group | 52,60 | 07.02.2025 | -0,38 | +0,00 | Maschinen-/Anlagenbau | MDAX |
DWS Group | 49,00 | 07.02.2025 | -0,90 | +49,66 | Finanzdienstleistungen | SDAX |

02. – 03. April 2025 | Münchner Kapitalmarkt Konferenz (MKK) by GBC
13. – 15. Mai 2025 | Frühjahrskonferenz Frankfurt by Equity Forum
#BGFL Shortgeflüster
Top-Ranking Shortseller | ||||
Unternehmen | Anteil in % | Größte Position | Größter Shortseller | Anzahl Shortseller |
HelloFresh | 11.33% | 3.82% | Greenvale Capital LLP | 6 |
Lanxess | 6.35% | 2.57% | BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited | 7 |
Aixtron | 6.26% | 3.05% | UBS Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd | 5 |
Siemens Energy | 5.33% | 1.8% | Boussard & Gavaudan Partners Limited | 4 |
SMA Solar Technology | 5.08% | 1.19% | Citadel Advisors LLC | 6 |
Opinions are divided when it comes to new issues. On the one hand, it is anything but good for the capital market that so few new companies go public. On the other hand, many IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) have recently resulted in high losses for investors, so that the abbreviation IPO is sometimes translated as ‘It's Probably Overpriced’ in the financial scene.
+++++ #BGFL IPO ticker +++
After a pronounced lull on the domestic IPO market, there has recently been a little movement with Springer Nature and the spin-off Pentixapharm Holding from the Eckert & Ziegler group, especially as the Eleving Group has also made it onto the Frankfurt Prime Standard. On top of this, there were three new additions to the Düsseldorf open market with WegGrow , Naoo and Maffei & Co, which emerged from a SPAC
IPOs | ||||
Company | First tradingday | IPO-Price € | Perf. (%) | Marketcap Mio. € |
Naoo | 05.12.2024 | 23,50 | -14,89 | 81,49 |
Steyr Motors | 30.10.2024 | 14,00 | -2,86 | 70,72 |
Eleving Group | 16.10.2024 | 1,75 | -3,89 | 196,98 |
Springer Nature | 04.10.2024 | 22,50 | +14,67 | 5.147,71 |
Pentixapharm Holding | 03.10.2024 | 5,10 | -38,92 | 77,24 |
Die Mandate der „Big Four“-Prüfer | ||||
PwC | KPMG | Deloitte | Ernst & Young | |
Mandates | 96 | 78 | 58 | 40 |
DAX | 14 | 9 | 7 | 8 |
MDAX | 13 | 18 | 10 | 5 |
SDAX | 18 | 13 | 10 | 6 |
TecDAX | 10 | 8 | 4 | 2 |
Honorare (Mio €) | 62,23 | 62,42 | 12,27 | 7,53 |
In our ‘normal’ share reporting and the many tables of key figures, the topic is somewhat overlooked, but boersengefluester.de has maintained extensive information on the auditors of companies in its database for many years. So what could be more obvious than to develop auditor tools such as Auditor Advanced or Auditor Lite? We are very proud of these unique analysers of a different kind.
Tools and overviews relating to dividends and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) have always been among the most popular applications on boersengefluester.de. Our range in this area is correspondingly large. Our range is correspondingly large - including in the form of extensive dividend histories.
Current Calendar month Feb | ||
1 | Stabilus | 4,00% |
2 | Fortec Elektronik | 2,78% |
3 | Siemens | 2,50% |
4 | Siemens Healthineers | 1,66% |
5 | Bertrandt | 1,26% |
boersengefluester.de has developed more than 50 innovative analysis tools, overview tables and visualisation formats for key share figures - summarised in our large app overview. We present selected individual apps in various sections of boersengefluester.de - usually with close reference to the respective thematic environment. Let us inspire you!
boersengefluester.de has developed more than 50 innovative analysis tools, overview tables and visualisation formats for key share figures - summarised in our large app overview. We present selected individual apps in various sections of boersengefluester.de - usually with close reference to the respective thematic environment. Let us inspire you!
Daily events on the German stock exchange are dominated by the DAX companies, some of which have market capitalisations of more than 100 billion euros. However, the majority of companies have much lower market capitalisations - often significantly less than 100 million euros. Many companies are true champions in their niche and are unjustifiably little recognised on the capital market. At boersengefluester.de, we focus our editorial reporting on precisely such speciality stocks. Tip: You can make exciting mini-analyses with our stock market value calculator.
- Talanx (Q4)
- All for One Group (Q1)
- Cancom (Q4)
- Pyramid (Q4)
- Norma Group (Q4)
- ...

Founded in 2013 by Gereon Kruse, the financial portal boersengefluester.de is all about German shares - with a focus on second-line stocks. In addition to traditional editorial articles, the site stands out in particular thanks to a large number of self-developed analysis tools. The basis for this is a completely self-maintained database for around 650 shares. As a result, boersengefluester.de produces Germany's largest profit and dividend forecast.