Snapshot ATH

German stocks

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A very special service - not only for investors motivated by chart technology: For many years, has been recording the respective record prices (all-time highs) for all shares from our database and creating comprehensive analyses and statistical evaluations on this basis.


All-time highs make investors happy, at least if they are invested. But a new entry based on a record high can also be worthwhile, as chart trends with a strong upward trend usually last longer than expected. Here we show the shares from our database of almost 650 stocks whose prices have recently risen to an all-time high (ATH).

#BGFL-Datenstory: In den vergangenen 5 Handelstagen haben 7 Aktien ein Rekordhoch erreicht. Die Unternehmen kamen unter anderem aus den Bereichen Finanzdienstleistungen, Versicherungen, Medien (Verlag/TV), Nahrungsmittel/Getränke, Mode/Textil, und Beteiligungen. Auf das Gesamtjahr 2024 betrachtet, haben insgesamt 68 Unternehmen neue Höchstkurse markiert.
Von den Unternehmen, deren Aktienkurs zuletzt auf Rekordhoch notierte, kommt DO & CO auf die beste Performance seit dem Börsengang (IPO). Das Unternehmen ist im Bereich Nahrungsmittel/Getränke aktiv. DO & CO stammt aus Wien (-).
Von den Aktien, deren Notiz kürzlich auf ein All-Time-High gestiegen ist, ist HWK 1365 der Titel mit der besten Kursperformance seit Beginn dieses Jahres (YtD).
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If you want to get an impression of the chronological sequence of record share prices from the BGFL database, you should take a look at our self-developed All-Time-High-Chronology. Here you will find all the essential information on the subject - in a very attractive visual format and always up to date. We have not yet discovered a tool like this on any other financial website.

Investors who prefer to analyse all-time highs in a classic table format will find the ideal tool in our overviews ‘Price distance of shares from their all-time highs and 52-week highs’. We have created the pages for the common indices DAX, MDAX, SDAX and Scale as well as various trading segments: from Prime Standard to Scale.  It would be hard to fit much more information on the subject of record highs on a single page. So feel free to drop by!

The all-rounder from is also extremely helpful when looking at shares that are trading as close as possible to their historical record high: our Fundamental Scanner. Here you can sort all shares from our database according to a variety of criteria - including the distance to the all-time high. You will find this function in filter set 3. Tip: In addition to various indices, the Fundamental Scanner also allows you to analyse the distance to the record high within individual sectors.

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Aktuelle Rekordkurse
Unternehmen All-Time-High (ATH) Perf.
seit IPO
Sektor Index
Kurs € Datum Dist.
in %
Maffei & Co. 4,00 20.12.2024 +0,00 +17,65 Beteiligungen -
Smart Equity 26,20 20.12.2024 +0,00 +0,00 Beteiligungen -
Springer Nature 26,84 20.12.2024 -0,37 +18,84 Medien (Verlag/TV) SDAX
DO & CO 178,60 18.12.2024 -2,35 +1.820,71 Nahrungsmittel/Getränke -
Birkenstock Holding 59,20 18.12.2024 -6,93 +26,85 Mode/Textil -
Datenquelle: Eigene Erfassungen, © Ⓒ 2024
12 month ATH-History

Die Ermittlung der Rankings "Aktuelle Rekordkurse" erfolgt primär nach dem Datum des Erreichens des Rekordkurses. Erzielen mehrere Unternehmen ein neues All-Time-High am selben Tag, erfolgt die Sortierung nach dem prozentualen Abstand zum Höchstkurs.

In der Übersicht „12 Monate ATH-Historie“ sehen Sie, wie sich die absolute Zahl der derzeitigen All-Time-Highs auf die vergangenen zwölf Monate verteilt. Dabei gibt es keine Mehrfachzählungen. Jede Aktie fließt nur mit dem jeweils aktuellen Rekordhoch in die monatsweise Betrachtung ein. Wer dagegen wissen will, wieviele Aktien in einem bestimmten Monat auf All-Time-High notierten, findet diese Info auf unserem ATH-Tracker.

Als Referenz zum ATH dient uns der höchste Kurs innerhalb eines Handelstages (in der Regel auf XETRA-Basis). Alle Informationen werden manuell erfasst und um Aktiensplits bereinigt.


Lots of useful information combined with an almost playful visualisation: you shouldn't miss our ‘Distance to all-time high’ heat map. Green tiles indicate a short distance to the record high, red tiles an even greater distance. Of course, you can also use this tool to analyse all-time highs by indices and sectors. Hopefully we have aroused your curiosity. But you can only find something like this on for almost 650 German shares.

We offer an interesting permanent special analysis in our extremely popular Top-Flop Interactive tool: there we have shown the price change since the beginning of the year for shares whose price has risen to an all-time high in the current year - without taking into account possible dividend payouts. Be sure to take a look. You will be surprised how far apart the spreads are here. Of course, Top-Flop Interactive is also a really cool tool in other respects.

Fancy a few share charts with an all-time high reference? In our big Top 5 chart show, we also have a permanent section with the shares whose price is currently particularly close to the record high. This chart overview is great to look at and provides valuable inspiration every day. We promise! After all, we show exclusive top 5 rankings in no less than 8 categories.

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          Qualitätsjournalismus · Made in Germany © 2024          
All for German shares

Good luck with all your investments

Founded in 2013 by Gereon Kruse, the financial portal is all about German shares - with a focus on second-line stocks. In addition to traditional editorial articles, the site stands out in particular thanks to a large number of self-developed analysis tools. The basis for this is a completely self-maintained database for around 650 shares. As a result, produces Germany's largest profit and dividend forecast.


Idea & concept: 3R Technologies GmbH Copyright © 2024 by Gereon Kruse #BGFL